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Plague 1 : The East

Witness the Fall of the East

The story of the last days of the proud nation of Telebram is not a joyous tale. These fateful days were filled with death, sorrow, plague, destruction, hopelessness, and pride. Hundreds of heroes from years before perished in a matter of hours, their bodies trampled and tossed aside like slaughtered livestock in the final days of humanities last city.


However the tale of the Fall of Ironstead is indeed a prideful story. For years after the death of Theseus Glacus, the king of Telebram, humans have told the legend of his final stand as the greatest and grandest defense of all human history. And although not one man survived the end of this pinnacle of society, the defenders of Ironstead left new walls outside of their capital; but these walls were not of stone or metal, but of the corpses of their fallen enemies.

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